The Evaluation in Ayres Sensory Integration (EASI) International Normative Data is currently under analysis for finalization of the tests. As decisions are made, they will be posted here.

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Changes in Tests
14 Prop: JP KAtie Estrada 14 Prop: JP KAtie Estrada

Changes in Tests

Most changes in the tests will be made following final analyses, and changes are expected to be possible deletion of some items, re-ordering of items, start and stop points by age, etc.

View changes already determined.

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Discontinuation of a Test
KAtie Estrada KAtie Estrada

Discontinuation of a Test

We expect that the analyses will provide guidance for formal discontinuation criteria, as well as potential “start” and “stop” points by age for the tests.  For now, the guidelines for discontinuing a test are to be aware of difficulty level and to stop a test or a section of a test where the following items are increasing in difficulty. 

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Parent Notification
KAtie Estrada KAtie Estrada

Parent Notification

Anytime a child is tested on the EASI, the parent or guardians must be given the Parent Notification Form (available in the test sheet folders for each language as document 00-a Parent Notification). 

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