Recognizing our Partners

CLASI collaborates with clinics, universities, and healthcare professionals around the world. Our esteemed partners are dedicated to delivering top-tier learning experiences that foster the growth of knowledge and practice in Ayres Sensory Integration.

Together, we strive towards a world where every child is understood.

Our International Partners

Italy- ASI4kids Logo
Philippines- SANDBOX Clinic Logo
UAE- Knowledge Bridge Logo
Italy Rome- SENSIS Logo
JORDAN- Al-Masar - Child Development Services Logo
Costa Rica- Universidad Santa Paula Logo
SAISI logo
Argentina- EQUIPO EN VUELO Logo
Korea- Seoul Community Rehabilitation Center Logo
sity logo
France- Les Atypiques Logo
Australia- OTFC GROUP Logo
Chile- Neurosens Logo
Denmark- PROTAC Logo
India- SOCH Logo
Brazil San Paulo- TISA.TO Logo
CREST logo- Hong Kong
Spain Alicante- SENTITS FORMACIÓN Logo
Brazil Curitiba -GymISense Logo
Portugal- 7Senses Logo
Logo Logros
Brazil San Paulo- Helo Goodrich Logo
Austria- SI-Seminar Institut Logo
Ukraine - Центр розвитку ІриниМартиненко Logo
Colombia- OCCUPARE Logo
Denmark  -University College Copenhagen Logo
UK Asi-Wise Logo
Czech-Asociace senzorické integrace Logo
Singapore- CPAS Logo

Our U.S. Partners

AZ- PillerChildDevelopment Logo
TX Kids Developmental Therapy Logo
BayPath University Logo
CA PlaySense Logo
PA- A Total Approach Logo
CA Development is Child's Play Logo
NC- SpeechTactics Logo
MA- OTA The Koomar Center Logo

At CLASI, we are truly honored to work alongside a diverse group of partners from around the world, united in our shared mission to support children and families through education, advocacy, research, and the practice of Ayres Sensory Integration. While we value the collaboration and insights of our partners, it's important to note that the opinions and views they express are their own and may not always align with the official stance of CLASI. We are grateful for their contributions and the opportunity to learn from one another as we work toward our common goals.

NY- Gillen Brewer School Logo
CA- Centerpointe for Children Logo
CA- Redwood Pediatric Therapy Associates Logo
TX- Pediatric Therapy Center Logo
IA- SAU Logo
IL- Easterseals Logo