Suggested Readings
Module 1 Readings
Suggested Readings
Other Suggested Readings
“Autism and sensory processing disorders: Shared white matter disruption in sensory pathways but divergent connectivity in social-emotional pathways”
Chang, Y, Owe, J.P., Desai, S.S., Hills, S.S., Arnett, A.B., Harris, J., Marco, E.J., & Mukherjee, P. (2014). Autism and sensory processing disorders: Shared white matter disruption in sensory pathways but divergent connectivity in social-emotional pathways. PLoS ONE 9(7): e 103038: doi:10:1371journal.pone.0103038
Schaaf, R.C., Schoen, S.A., May-Benson, T., Lane, S.J., Smith Roley, S., Mailloux, Z. (2015). The Issue Is—State of the Science: A Roadmap for research in sensory integration. American Journal of Occupational Therapy, 69, 6906360010.
“The Issue Is—State of the Science: A Roadmap for research in sensory integration”
Smith Roley, S., Mailloux, Z. Miller-Kuhanek, H. & Glennon, T. (2007). Understanding Ayres Sensory Integration®. OT Practice 12(17) CE1-CE-8.
“Understanding Ayres Sensory Integration”